Kickstart your Gallbladder Health Program

The most comprehensive 8 week program

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Kickstart Program

Ready To Improve Your Gallbladder Health So You Can Take Your Life Back?!

Kickstart Your Gallbladder Health Program is a one-stop shop to learn all about gallbladder disease. With a successful framework, we will educate you on gallbladder health, the root cause, and how to support gallstones, sludge, or biliary dyskinesia through integrative strategies

Kickstart Your Gallbladder Health program is the only gallbladder program that not only educates you on the root cause of gallbladder disease but shows you how to effectively thrive with gallbladder disease with my successful framework.

Which One Of These Applies To You?

  • You recently have been diagnosed with gallstones, gallbladder sludge, inflammation, or a low-functioning gallbladder and are looking to address your health through a root cause approach!
  • You were recently diagnosed with a fatty liver and gallbladder disease.
  • You are scheduled for gallbladder removal but it is months or years out and you need all the help you can get!
  • You have been trying to manage your symptoms with low-fat diets, paleo, etc and nothing is working!
  • You are afraid to eat and wake up in fear of upper abdominal pain and gallbladder attacks.
  • You have spent hours on google and Facebook groups and are so stressed out that you don’t know what to do!
  • You are ready for change and open to learning new strategies.
  • You are scheduled for surgery and ready to start making healthy dietary and lifestyle changes today!
Kickstart Program
Kickstart Program

By The End Of This Program, You Will Learn….

  • Understand what nutrition is needed for gallbladder disease.
  • How to address the root cause of gallbladder disease.
  • Understand what steps you need to take along your health journey in order to improve symptoms.
  • Overcome food fear and abdominal pain.
  • Understand the steps needed to improve gut health.
  • Understand how to support your liver through food and lifestyle. Bonus! How to reverse fatty liver.
  • Develop, new and sustainable healthy lifestyle habits that promote health long term
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Week 1

Root Cause Approach To Gallbladder Disease

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Did you know the number one cause of gallbladder and fatty liver disease is diet?! In this module, you will learn the root cause of gallbladder and fatty liver disease, the role of the gallbladder and liver, what goes wrong and proper testing so you can start taking action today!

Live weekly check-in, module takeaways, weekly worksheet, Q&A, goals, and taking action steps

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Week 2

What Nutrition And Supplementation Supports Liver And Gallbladder Health?

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Food is medicine, and food is the most powerful tool in our bucket when it comes to gallbladder and liver support. In this module, you will learn about what foods are supportive for gallbladder and liver function, food triggers, the importance of balancing blood sugar, and what nutrition support is needed in order to improve your symptoms. This module includes a grocery list, an 8-week food log, a supplement cheat sheet, and an 8-week sample meal plan!

Live weekly check-in, module takeaways, weekly worksheet, Q&A, goals, and taking action steps

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Week 3

Why Is My Gut Health So Important For A Healthy Gallbladder And Liver?

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There is a bidirectional relationship between your gut, gallbladder, and liver. Healing your gut is the foundation for long-term health and makes a huge improvement in gallbladder and liver health. In this module, you will learn strategies to heal your gut, what functional testing may be the best for you, and gut healing foods. The module will also dig into deeper detail of Hpylori, SIBO, and leaky gut.

Live weekly check-in, module takeaways, weekly worksheet, Q&A, goals, and taking action steps

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Week 4

Hormone Health And Gallbladder Function

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There are so many different hormones that play a role in gallbladder function. Supporting your hormones is crucial for healthy gallbladder function.

Live weekly check-in, module takeaways, weekly worksheet, Q&A, goals and taking action steps

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Week 5

Why Is My Liver Health So Important For A Healthy Gallbladder?

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Your gallbladder and liver are sister organs and we cannot improve your gallbladder without addressing the health of your liver. In this module you will learn key nutrients for liver support, lifestyle and supplements to support your liver on a daily basis.

Live weekly check in, module take aways, weekly worksheet, Q&A, goals and taking action steps

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Week 6

Hormone Health And Gallbladder Function

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There are so many different hormones that play a role in gallbladder function. Supporting your hormones is crucial for healthy gallbladder function.

Live weekly check-in, module takeaways, weekly worksheet, Q&A, goals and taking action steps

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Week 7

Lifestyle Support For Gallbladder Disease

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In this module, you will learn strategies to adjust your lifestyle and improve overall gut, gallbladder, and liver health. This includes movement, hydration, digestion support, mindfulness, and nontoxic living recommendations. Includes non-toxic living documents and how to read food labels.

Live weekly check-in, module takeaways, weekly worksheet, Q&A, goals, and taking action steps

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Week 8

Bonus! Reverse Fatty Liver

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Live weekly check-in, module take aways, weekly worksheet, Q&A, goals, and taking action steps

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Imagine if...

  • You were able to enjoy food again without the fear of a gallbladder attack, pain or symptoms.
  • You experienced fewer gallbladder attacks, pain and symptoms so you could go day to day not stressing about attacks, digestive problems or what to eat.
  • You felt more energized so that you could be present for your kids, day to day duties and loved ones.
  • You had fewer food sensitivities and had loads of gallbladder recipes to choose from rather than being on a being a restrictive diet.
  • You experienced fewer gallbladder attacks while breastfeeding, pregnant or postpartum so you can take care of your babies.
    • You felt more confident and empowered on your gallbladder journey and had a clear plan for healing without the need for surgery.
    • You weren’t spending countless hours googling or searching facebook groups because you had all your answers and support from gallbladder experts in one place!
    • You had a step by step plan and understanding of how to dissolve gallstones, sludge and improve function.
    • AND you felt endless amount of support and encouragement along your way.
    Photo of one woman with an upset stomach next to another eating a healthy meal

    Your testimony is ours

    Kickstart Program
    Kickstart Program

    Olivia always made me feel seen and heard with my symptoms and challenges. It was helpful to know she has been through on her gallbladder journey and can relate to what Im experiencing. Olivia is extremely responsive and that helped relive a lot of anxiety. She also provides you many resources! I really appreciate the support from Olivia and have been amazed with the progress my body has made. Within 30 days I was off PPIS, after 6 months I reversed gallbladder sludge and currently am working to improve biliary dyskinesia but I know with the tools she provided I feel more confident along my way.

    ~ Nicole

    I finally felt like I wasn’t alone. Olivias knowledge is priceless. Her easy going, laid back approach is exactly what I needed. After having an episode in Jan 2019, I wasn’t told I had gallstones until 8 months later. I was looked at like I was crazy. Working with Olivia was priceless. Finally someone that could give me the answers and give me the power of my own health back in my hands. Working with Olivia the discomfort on the upper right side has almost gone away. I can sleep on my side after 2 years!

    ~ Alesha

    All my goals were met working with Olivia. I had to have immediate gallbladder surgery and she helped take all the guesswork out of the recovery. She provided a solid plan and I feel better everyday. I lost the needed weigth with ease for the first time, regulated my bowel functions, learned easy healthy recipes and overall had minimal GI issues post recovery. Would have been lost without her!

    ~ Allison

    My gallbladder surgery was an emergency, so I had no time to prepare. The doctors did not provide accurate advice for recovery and she helped me understand what was going on with my body post surgery. She was very good at issue spotting based on symptoms, gave me a really great plan with easy and delicious recipes and accommodated my personal needs. She's also very kind, understanding, and supporting which was great during such a confusing time with my body. Post surgery my GI symptoms have been reduced to almost none. I have a lot less inflammation, bloating, my hormones are much more balanced and PMS lessened.

    ~ Mary

    Kickstart Program
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